Tragedies happen because people malfunction

Many tragedies happen because humans are dysfunctional. Families are torn apart, and lives are lost. Good citizens plan their lives in consideration of other human beings’ welfare, but evil people have no regard for others. They are a menace and a liability to this world.

Some real-life examples of humans malfunctioning:

  1. A young guy speeds up his car, hitting several vehicles along the way and injuring himself. He cries like a baby, asking for help to free him from the wreckage of his own car. While the other motorists either lay dead or injured.
    What was going on inside that guy’s mind while he was creating trouble, and with the tragic consequences of his actions what is the accountability? Even if this guy is sent to the guillotine, what was done cannot be undone. He cannot undead or uninjured those who have suffered. He cannot remove the anguish from the families left behind. The young children were left with no parents.

He drank at a party as if it was his first time to taste alcohol. He drove home at 1 am, speeding, as expected, slammed on a car before hitting a pine tree. His mangled car wrapped around the unfazed pine, his body unrecognizable from his injuries. And how about the family of the four who were following the speed limit, staying on their lane? They too were mangled into pieces. Their car flipped killing all of them.

2.  A 33 year old mother of 8 children, yes, ages from 1 to 15, were visiting her mother in Oakland, was shot several times in broad daylight by drug dealers. She apparently found out that these dealers sold marijuana to two of her teenage sons. She saw two cars parked side by side in front of her mother’s home. She went out to confront the men. A heated argument ensued and they shot her several times killing her on the spot.

3.  These two good-looking white couple, married only for one week, were on a honeymoon hike. The guy didn’t make it home. The wife reported him missing. After two weeks, he still couldn’t be found. When the police interrogated the wife, she admitted pushing her husband off the steepest portion of the cliff. No wonder his body couldn’t be found. He was deep down there in a black hole. Motive? Money. She learned that he, an only child, would inherit his mothers fully paid house, and some $175,000 in the bank. Plus he is also the beneficiary of his mother’s life insurance. Him dead, the wife thought she would then be the beneficiary of all his inheritance.

4.   His two-year old daughter fell asleep while they were driving home. The dad decided not to wake her up and to left her in the car with the engine running and air conditioning on. He went inside their house and played video game. He said he checked on her daughter after ten minutes and she was still asleep and the engine and aircon were still on. He went inside their house again. He got distracted playing video games and forgot about his daughter. When his wife came home she found her daughter inside their car unresponsive. The engine was not running and the air conditioning was not running.
Their 2-year old baby daughter didn’t make it. The dad claimed he only left her for 20 minutes but further investigation revealed that he continuously played the video games for three and a half hours. Poor baby girl.

5.   He and his wife, married for 10 years had been trying to get pregnant.  They adopted a 10-month old baby girl from an adoption agency in Virginia, USA.   The baby was given up for adoption by her teen mother who was convinced by her own mother that they cannot afford to provide for her baby and that adoption was the best alternative.  Her adoptive parents will give her a better life.

When the girl reached 12, the adoptive father started molesting and raping her.   When she told her best friend,  she accompanied her to the principal’s office to report her ordeal.  The principal called her adoptive parents and naturally, this poor teen was forced to recant her accusation and was sent home to live with her adoptive mother who adored her husband, and to be sexually assaulted again and again.  Soon after, she disappeared and was reported to have ran away from home.   Years later,  the guy was arrested by the police for rape and murder of another woman,  He turned out to be a serial rapist.  He later admitted killing Alexis, their adopted daughter burying her in their family backyard.   He was meted 35 to 50 years in jail which I think is too light of a punishment.  He should suffer the death penalty which is still loo light of a punishment for the many women he sexually assaulted, and for those he murdered.


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