All articles on Oh my buhay were written by yours truly. 99.99 percent of the photos were taken by me except for a few that I used only as references. Video clips were also from my camera except for a few popular artists/ singers, tv news and other interesting clips I uploaded from You Tube.
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You say only black people steal. You are racist and stereotyping. If you weren’t, you would just say you saw two ladies stealing from Sally’s. The media and people like you, want to make blacks looks like thieves to make it seem whites NEVER steal. People like you want to make blacks uncomfortable in stores. When you keep saying blacks steal, naturally people are only going to watch them, even ones who don’t steal, giving them a bad shopping experience because their being watched. You think whites don’t steal? Ha! Who stole this country from native Americans, whites. Don’t America celebrate Columbus Day, a thief. Now search google and search luxury lifting by a white girl, who brags about all the places she steals from and give tips on how to get away with it. You all so busy watching us, you miss out on the whites, you ever seen gas station encounters? Search it on YouTube, you’ll see whites stealing something as cheap as candy bars and little debbies
Here’s links of whites shoplifting and search YouTube, there’s millions more, I bet you can’t watch it or will make excuses. There’s shoplifters of all races.
Hi Lisa,
Thanks for your comments.
I am simply a story teller. I describe what I see with as much detail as possible. If you will read through my post, it was about people stealing from stores. Nothing that I said was discriminatory. I told the store keeper “two black women” because they are two black women period. If they were Koreans I would say those two Koreans? I also described the race of the cashier which is mixed Hispanic and Asian. Unfortunately for black people, the ones we have personally encountered and had seen actually stealing were black people. I saw one white woman stealing bedsheets and I also mentioned that in my post years ago. I don’t single out black people. I single out those who are stealing. If I see a Filipino stealing, I will also describe it in my post as Filipino. I will not camouflage it.
For black people who feel offended when the word black is mentioned to give detail about a crime perpetrator, I feel you should rally your people to do good instead. Channel your talent and energies into a massive campaign to rise above this paranoia that you are being singled out by leading by example. Majority of black people are kind and peace loving, educated. I need not go far to cite examples. People that we all admire and respect: former US President Barack Obama and wife Michelle Obama, Oprah Winfrey, Denzel Washington, and a thousand and millions more. It’s time to leave the paranoia behind. When Filipinos land in the evening news for the wrong reasons, I don’t feel offended. I feel ashamed instead that someone from our race did something bad.
Your blog is baduy. Are you proud of your past like Pre UST days?
Hi OBM i saw a late post here. U jad burmese dinner few years back. May I know where is it? I haven’t really found a burmese restaurant here in the Philippines
Hi Hana,
Which particular OMB post? Was the restaurant in Manila? Sorry, I only remember one Burmese restaurant and it’s in the Bay Area in California.
i saw a picture of your son in the USFCA website
He graduated from USF. Did you study there too?
Are you a member of Manila high society Annie ? The Philippine Tatler types
Hi Isabel, apologies for the late reply. I was traveling and didn’t bring my laptop.
No, I don’t consider myself a member of Philippine high society. That would be too pretentious. Sometimes, I attend gatherings with people in high places.
Can you share with me who you hired for your vegetable garden?
Urban Farming, They are the ones operating the one in BGC.
Farmer Randy — 0920 832 1268
I paid P150,000 for my tiny garden.