I do not want to know the Chinese predictions for the Year of the Snake. It’s not good to even read those things because if what we have read is negative, it may affect our “diskarte” for the next 12 months because fear and worry would always be in our subconscious. I will just go through life with the same passion and dedication that I have for my family, work, the world, my fellowmen and for life itself. If and when challenges come, I will do my best, use my wisdom and best judgement, and ask for God’s guidance and help.

I’ve had my own share of problems, big, small, medium and large. I have shed buckets of tears and many times I also felt like giving up but always, there’s a force that lifts me up, pacifies me, guides me.
I humbly accept and acknowledge that my capabilities are limited that’s why I am forever conscious that I need help from above.

I am grateful that I have been given a tiny place in this world. I hope God does not regret that decision.


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2 thoughts on “Year of the Snake

  1. Kiong Hee Huat Tsai!
    May the Chinese New Year brings you endless abundance, love, good health and serenity.

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