Hi Ms Annie! Just wanted to say that I enjoy visiting your blog. Simple and quite straightforward. I stumbled upon it sometime ago when you wrote about Singapore (my “home” for the past two decades), and it got me interested enough to read your other posts.

You seem to have what others would consider a more affluent lifestyle than most people, yet you have no qualms in saying when something is too expensive nor going to Quiapo/Chinatown by yourself (ok, perhaps with a driver). My husband and I also had our wedding at San Agustin church, it was nice to read that you were also married there. Your children appear to be well-mannered (our kids are still small, we still have a long way to go in raising them).

I also admire your fine taste in stuff you’ve shown in your photos. You could have bragged about them at every opportunity, but your posts showed you’re just a simple person who just happened to own such things. Yeah, I agree, your posts are indeed entertaining. Thanks for sharing.


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