Pinangat, balaw balaw and chicharon

Continuation of Class Reunion:

To avoid chaos at the buffet, two class sections were only allowed to get food each time after their class photos were taken, then they could proceed to attack the food.

Not many from IV-B section attended. However, we turned out to be the richest daw because our section gave the highest contribution of P53,000 +. Sarry and Alice contributed US$100 each. I paid P10,000 for the venue. Walter Baylon (from Texas ba sya?) tila he gave $200 while the rest gave P500 each. I hope I didn’t forget anyone. My sincere appreciation to those who wholeheartedly gave more than P500. Thank you so much.

IV-B Class picture, alumni

A few didn’t pay, some paid less than that,  the more affluent paid for those who couldn’t afford the P500 Alumni ticket price and more than a hundred willingly paid the P500 per person to cover for the catering.

Malou taking pictures of the buffet

buffet, BCHS alumni party

What we paid was worth it.  The food and service were very good.  The portions were also more than sufficient.  The only thing I didn’t like talaga was the choice of the table covers’ colors.  It’s either matutunawan ako agad ng pagkain or ma empatso ako.

Minda, alumni party

My bulate went ballistic when I saw the pinangat na dalag. I scooped the eggs right away. Ang sarap.
Pinangat na dalag, alumni party

Pinangat na dalag and balaw balaw. I am feeling hungry right now looking at this photo. Parang I want to go to Bahay Pawid in Taytay.
dalag and balaw balaw

There’s no cohesiveness in my plate. Mangga hilaw at alamang, lumpiang ubod, baked macaroni, a piece of lettuce leaf with cherry tomatoes, a slice of roast beef. I left the roast beef untouched.
The homemade chicharon was sinfully divine!
May plate, alumni party

You wouldn’t be able to resist this tiny bits of chicharon. Most of the taba daw were removed and oil was drained a few times while cooking according to the caterer, Tess.

All of us forgot that we’re now in the age of cholesterol.
homemade chicharon

Each of us got a free Metro Aide t-shirt to wear. One of these days I am going to propose that we do one day of volunteer work to sweep the sidewalks in Poblacion.
yellow t-shrit

to be continued


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