Ford EDSA has two cars showrooms

Despite its ongoing renovation, Ford EDSA’s building in EDSA remains open. There is no disruption in its operations. It now has two cars showrooms that are open 7 days a week, the original one which is along EDSA, and a newly built one in Ford Connecticut.

Vehicles for repairs and service are attended to in Ford Connecticut while a new 3 story building for parking and service center is under construction.

Ford EDSA displayed the Ford Explorer last week in Robinson’s Magnolia shopping mall in Aurora Blvd.

Ford EDSA's car display in Robinson's Magnolia

The vehicle is simply beautiful, ang daming napapatingin.

Ford Explorer mall display

Halatang meron akong migraine.
Omb beside a Ford Explorer


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5 thoughts on “Ford EDSA has two cars showrooms

  1. We’ve been clients of Ford Edsa for 5 years now and we are satisfied with their service. Can’t wait to see their new service center. More power!

  2. Congratulations to Ford Edsa. I bought my Ford Fiesta there and people were honest. Keep it up!!!

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