Ever since one of my OMB readers advised me to use alcohol instead of Baygon to kill ipiseses (many cockroaches), I always make sure that I have a bottle of alcohol on hand just in case.
Last night I killed one teenager Ipi (singular) in my bathroom using alcohol. It works. It really works better than toxic pest sprays.

And ever since I got sick, I have also become more paranoid of viruses (second degree cousin of ipiseses). After washing my hands with soap and water, I would rub with alcohol then rinse my hands with running water. By the way, why is it called running and not walking water? Walking ay yung patulo-tulo lang. When the water is dripping only. Tulo ang tawag dyan. If you didn’t get the punch line, email me, only if you are 40 years old and above. Younger than that, please ask your parents.



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