Edmund and I stood as impromptu ninong and ninang of the sick children. It’s not a full-pledged baptism because the Catholic Church requires prior registration by the parents. This is more of a blessing of this little angels.
Baptism is a happy occasion in any culture and belief. Since these are poor families, they have no means to have the children blessed most especially that they are dealing with a grievous sickness that threatens the kid’s life. Some of this kids would pass on without being baptized. It’s Baptism of Angels desire to have them blessed and prayed over at least.
Fr. Jonathan prayed over the kids one by one.
Lord, please take away their sicknesses.
Dear Lord,
There is no illness and no wound that you cannot heal. Come and touch their afflictions. We believe in your healing power, but if it is your will, however, that this little kids should carry this cross of illness, then I humbly pray that you give them and their parents the strength and perseverance.
Cover them with your most precious love.
This I humbly pray.
Congrats Ms Annie for your big heart. You are very generous and kind.
Your are continuously blessed because God knows you share your blessings to people in need. What you do OMB is not ordinary. You are an extraordinary woman worthy of adulation. God bless you more.
You are beautiful inside and out. I want to be like you Ms Annie. I want to have a life like yours. You are humble, kind, compassionate.