People nowadays enjoy so much freedom of choice. The wealth of products in this time of history provide consumers a staggering amount of available choices. Every second, billions of people make instant decisions:
Tall or grande, espresso frappuccino or mocca frap, with creme or no creme, black or white, almond with cheese or bacon with egg, butter croissant or oatmeal cupcakes, Louis Vuitton Capuchin, Chanel urban, Skyflakes garlic flavor, cheese or butter popcorn.
This humanity is so spoiled. There’s just too many things to choose from, to do, to experience, places to visit, etc.
Rock or mellow, jazz or blues, hiking or swimming, Tagaytay or Baguio,
Hongkong or Singapore. Shall we have pizza or pasta? Where do we want to go next time, Bohol or Palawan? We constantly ask ourselves what do we want?

We have become used to having choices. We are spoiled. The younger generation now are taking that freedom of choice to the next level. Some are already deciding that they don’t want to be either a boy or a girl, a man or a woman. They just want to be there, somewhere in between. Or not even. They want to be neither here nor there. They call their suspended identity as being gender queer.


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