My laptop automatically updated itself last Friday night when I switched it off. Even if I didn’t press some button to give it authority to update the windows, it just did.

When I opened my computer on Saturday morning, all my icons were gone including my wallpaper photo. My files including all my photos disappeared. I was hysterical. My daughter and son helped me find the lost pictures. After about half hour, my son found them buried in some deep cavity.

It takes about 45 minutes to open this kwasong laptop.
Today I asked the IT guy at Ford EDSA to fix it and save my photos from the external hard drive my sister gave me. It took him several hours, from 1:30 to almost 6 pm before the photos and documents were saved.

He advised me to make sure I have my external hard drive with me because that’s where I would extract my files. Ha? That’s contrary to why external hard drives were invented in the first place. They are supposed to be kept in a safe place. They are not called back ups for nothing.

Now I cannot upload any photo from my laptop to Flicker. I have to extract the photos directly from my Iphone. And I can only upload one photo, repeat one single photo, one at a time. This is more tiring than coughing. Grrrrr. I always have problems with my computer, with my word press, with the codes, with internet, with everything. Hiccups like these prevent me from posting.
By the time my laptop or the internet is fixed, I’ve forgotten what to say.
Oh so frustrating.


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One thought on “Annoying Laptop

  1. Did he remove them from your laptop and transfer them to the external hard drive? Uhm, that’s kinda dumb. He could’ve set it up so that it backs up every day. You can still keep your files on your computer but the external is for back-up only.
    If/when you buy a new computer, consider a Mac.

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