Hi Miss Annie, first and foremost, can I just call you my virtual Tita? Hehe. I’m Khana, a 16 year old girl from Pampanga and I was reading about Bea de Leon when I came across your blog. It’s really amazing how witty you are. Your blog is so simple yet humorous and funny. During the short amount of time that I spent reading through your blogs, I instantly fell in love with how genuine and warm you are, especially around your friends and family. And you look really beautiful, I think the beauty you hold inside radiates all throughout. You’re definitely someone young women should look up to. 🙂

PS: If you happen to see this, please say hi to Tita Det de Leon and Ate Bea for me. I’m a huge fan of hers. I’m starting to rekindle my love for volleyball because of her, and even planning to enter Ateneo for my college. Thank you, my virtual Tita! (Yes, I’m claiming it na hahaha)

Khana x

(Hi Khana, Will forward your P.S. message to the dad of Bea. Thank you for your kind words. Warm Regards)


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4 thoughts on “Thank you Khana

  1. Hi Tita, thank you po! Thank you so much! I was waiting for an email notif if you replied to my comment and I didn’t receive any, so I thought you didn’t see it. But then, I was wrong. Hehe, thank you po Tita! I hope to communicate pa with you with your future blogs. More power, God bless! 🙂

    Khana x

  2. Dear Khana,

    We are grateful for your love and support. Volleyball has given Bea the medium to inspire others to better versions of themselves. Being a student athlete involves a lot of hard work, discipline, huge trade offs and desire to excel both as a student and an athlete.

    I pray that you will work hard to reach for your dreams! Hope to see you in the games.


    Tita Det de Leon

    1. Until now Tita, I still can’t believe you replied to my comment here. Yes po, I’ll work hard so that I can reach my goals and make every dream I have come to life. Ate Bea has been a great inspiration to many people, and I am one of them. I can see her burning passion to do well in her academics and in the sport she loves. As what I said before, she touched my heart. She is really a young woman that people should look up to.

      I hope to see and meet you in the games too, Tita.

      Khana x

  3. Tita Det,

    Until now, I still can’t believe you replied to my comment here. Yes po, I’ll work hard so that I can reach my goals and make every dream I have come to life. Ate Bea has been a great inspiration to many people, and I am one of them. I can see her burning passion to do well in her academics and in the sport she loves. As what I said before, she touched my heart. She is really a young woman that people should look up to. That’s why she deserves all the love and support that people are giving her.

    I hope to see and meet you in the games too, Tita.

    Khana x

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