Congressman Tupay Loong

I don’t even remember the exact dates but long long time ago, I hosted a television show to help promote our country and products.

Our production team including our sponsors were invited by then Sulu governor, Tupay Loong, to feature the livelihood projects in their province, in cooperation with the Philippine Chamber of Handicrafts Industries headed by Col. Benjamin Kalalo, Jr. and funded by USAID thru the Philippine Exporters Confederation headed by Sergio Ortiz-Luis, Jr.

Our goal was to help alleviate poverty in their province. Hoping that somehow in a small way, we would be able to help residents uplift their lives so that they would join the mainstream community of living in peace and harmony. If they are productive and financially independent, the less chances that they would be enticed to join the rebels.

Our gracious host was Gov. Tupay Loong. He hosted a sumptuous lunch for our group at his residence. He made our short stay safe and comfortable.

He struck me as simple, low-key and humble.

I was saddened by the news of his passing.
May his soul rest in everlasting peace and may the Almighty grant solace and consolation to his loved ones.

Tupay T. Loong


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