Dinner @ La Paella Real Restaurante

June 27, 2018

The minute we arrived in the city on June 23 I already spotted this restaurant when our airport taxi turned at the corner leading to our hotel. It’s called La Paella Real Restaurante and I told Edmund we would eat there.
We saved the best for last. We went on our last night in Madrid.

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We sheepishly entered the driveway of an old building to look for the restaurant’s main entrance.
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The waiter presented a long list of paella varieties but we came here specifically for the seafood paella.
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I was never fond of eating whole olives but for some reason, I liked their olives. I was able to eat a few whole olives.
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Potato croquettes could be found all over Spain and even in Portugal. This is like their staple dish.
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The paella prices in the menu are per person and not per tray or per order. They showed us one wide tray supposedly equivalent for two orders.
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After bringing the paella try to our table, the waiter took it back and split the contents into two.
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La Paella Real’s version is delicious but I can’t say that theirs is the best. One thing for sure, their paella is orig.
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My husband said a lot of preparation went into cooking this delicious paella so what we paid for was not bad at all.
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Dining in the same restaurant made Edmund and I equal with some famous and holy names.
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Kings and Queens.
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I felt like walking on a sacred ground after learning that Pope john Paul had been here too.
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Holy me.
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