Last dinner at Marcia Adams

November 17, 2018

I wanted to see the garden at Marcia Adams during daytime so we went back the next day for an early supper.

early dinner at Marcia Adams

window scenery Marcia Adams

The sun was still up so I was able to see the plants and flowers better.

Marcia Adams early dinner

Marcia Adams garden

Greek-inspired dining area

Tuscan-inspired window
Tuscan-inspired window

I paid extra P80 ++ to upgrade my appetizer to this 4 pieces of small prawns.
Amalfi prawns-  Marcia Adams

Oyen ordered this appetizer to go with her pasta main dish.
Marcia Adams appetizer

Marcia Adams restaurant is not for those who want to watch their diet. You cannot eat light here and you cannot share one main course. You are required to order a main course that comes with appetizer and a dessert.
Chicken kebab,  round 2

AFter much thought and hesitation, Oyen ended up ordering a pasta dish.
Marcia Adams pasta

As usual I had grilled orange for my dessert. Oyen had this delightfully rich but satisfying banana split with chocolate ice cream and drizzles of chocolate syrup.
marcia adams banana split

The service was slow this time. I had to make follow-ups a few times for them to serve our food considering that we were the only ones dining in this section of the restaurant.

There’s a pretty good chance that Oyen and I won’t be back here anytime soon, unless we have a balikbayan guest.
Marcia Adams food bill Nov 17, 2018


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