This is a weird tour,  a visit to the three tiny hotel rooms that were used during the war by KGB spies.  The interest is made alive by the dozens of movies, until now, that we see, about Russian spies, KGB.  From those movies,  we all developed the same notion that the KGB are secretive,  they are spies, of course.  James Bond hello!


The so-called KGB Museum is on top of Hotel Viru, one of the tallest buildings in Tallinn.

For about 15 minutes, we were just standing on the stairway, maybe an exit stairs, listening to the story-telling of the blonde guide.

There were old photos lining up on the walls but I was the least interested to look.

My husband was the second least interested.

Basically, eto yung mga kalat ng mga Russian spies. When the war ended, they hurriedly left leaving their trashes behind. The enterprising hotel preserved the kalat and turned it into a museum to entertain tourists.


Edmund, while being interrogated by the KGB.

He seems to be enjoying the interrogation instead of pretending to be terrified.

Nadine pretends to be a spy.

A—-“Tart picturan mo ko sa tabi nito..”
E—-“Sino ba yan?”
A—-“Aba’y ewan.
E—-“Jesus Christ, ano’ng special sa taong yan?”
A—-“Basta, kunan mo ko, si KGB yan”.



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