Over dinner I took a deep sigh and asked my husband where we could go? He thought I only wanted to get out of Metro Manila. I rephrased it “which country!” Parang gusto ko ng lumipat ng bansa. Alis na sa Pinas. He said I knew already where we would move if push comes to shove. Budapest! The two of us are not moving. We’re stuck here. I told him I want my daughter to live elsewhere where she can have a better environment and the best quality of life. My son, also. I no longer want him to come home and live in the Philippines. I want them to live in peaceful and friendlier surroundings. Fresher air, fewer hours sitting in the traffic and more time for oneself, genuinely friendly people, more fun and relaxing activities, a country where there’s economic and political stability. Where the government is busy looking after the welfare of its people and not planning for their whole clan’s own forever welfare. Where citizens feel safer with the presence of policemen and not hide when there are policemen. Where every drop of people’s hard earned tax payment goes to the improvement of the quality of life of its citizens. Where government doesn’t oppress its people and harass businessmen to encourage them to keep expanding their business. A place where my daughter can just sit in the park and read a book without fear for her safety. Where her surroundings are peaceful and the country is progressive. Where there’s a culture of peace, not culture of violence. Where people respect each other. Saan kaya yan? Please email me for suggestions. I know there’s no perfect world, but at least yung hindi naman pareho dito sa atin, puro patayan, awayan, bastusan na lang. Puro durugista at puro magnanakaw. Lagi na lang kung ano ang makukuha sa kapwa. Ang lalo pang masama, pabata ng pabata at padami ng padami ang mga masasamang loob.



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5 thoughts on “Alis sa Pinas

    1. Thank you Mick for the suggestion. Great food, good shopping, very clean and orderly, peaceful and with political and economic stability, I have a very good friend there too. Singapore here we come!

  1. My parents moved us to Southern California 38 years ago. Since their retirement back to PHL, I’ve made more frequent trips there and can see for myself, as a parent, what you have keenly observed. There is no perfect place but over 3 million Filipinos now reside in the US, the first choice of many parents for their children and future generations.

    1. Despite America’s recent problems with terrorists, homegrown criminals and crazy shooters, America still is a good place to live and raise a family. The government is grounded by true democracy and service to their people is always at the forefront of their policies.
      Gorgeous public parks are in every city and families can spend a day having picnic without having to go to an air conditioned shopping mall for recreation.
      I chose to live in the Philippines for love. I decided to marry and live in Manila while my siblings charted their own paths in America. The US is actually my family’s second home.

  2. I agree on this Annie.
    Ang dream ko din for my daughter is to live some where else. Away from all of what you mentioned about what’s going on in the Philippines/ Pinoys. We live overseas now but our current place is not recommendable too for long term.

    In the meantime I advise her to study well so she is well prepared for opportunities elsewhere.

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