I cried a bucket today. My tears are still falling right now but tears of joy, gratefulness to the Lord and feelings of big relief. I thought our prayers were unanswered. I was wrong. It was an answered prayer. The document we’ve been waiting for didn’t arrive on August 29, the deadline. Didn’t come on September 9, the absolute deadline. It did three days later. Even if it’s past the deadline, it was still accepted. A big chunk of our problem has been remedied. We can now make better plans and move on with bigger stride.

Against all odds, we went on with the application and submission of documents even if the chances were almost nil. Every body advised us against it because it would be an exercise in futility. We didn’t look at the odds. We just put our bets on the almost zero chance but at the same time preparing for a plan B, plan C. The ever OC me, I even have a plan D, E & F.

There was 100% faith in our hearts that not all that could happen depends on previous experiences. Maybe this would be different. Our family prayed with bent knees for plan A to happen but at the same time trusting the Lord’s wisdom. We pleaded for help and mercy but with acceptance of HIS decision, based on what is best for us. Yesterday before coming home, Edmund and I swung by the adoration chapel and knelt down.

It’s been a roller coaster ride beginning last year for our family. Extreme happiness and extreme sadness.

It pays to be persistent, hopeful and forever grateful.

Thank you so very much Lord for this. I owe you one (again!).


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15 thoughts on “An Answered Prayer

  1. God is always good.. HE will never abandon u in ur most trying moments,. You just have to have PATIENCE and a STRONG FAITH in God becoz His timing is ALWAYS PERFECT…


    Enjoy the weekend, Ms Annie.. God bless u and the family always…

  2. God is always good, even if sometimes we think He didnt hear our prayer. Now you can start doing what your initially planned, with God’s graces…God bless you, Ms. Annie. Sometimes talaga we need to be at our absolute lowest to appreciate the blessings He gives us…

  3. Hi Ms. Annie! So happy for you and your family. Sana tuloy tuloy na ang happiness! God Bless! 🙂

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