Arnel Pineda, concert at the Music Museum

I told my son we didn’t have to be there at the Music Museum at exactly 8 pm.
Printed on the ticket was a performance by a certain Filia. That means there’s a front act. But you know the feeling that you could be late but at the same time you are thinking what if they decided to start on time? It was a mixture of it’s okay we’re not yet late and let’s go, we could be late.

Service in Kimpura was a little slow. That’s why even before they served us the teppanyaki sirloin, mixed fried rice and oysters, I already asked for the bill. By the time we finished our meal, I’ve already signed the credit card bill and got the official receipt.

We left Kimpura at 8:15 pm. We walked to the other end.

The first few songs were also rock and roll. The middle portion were a little mellow then combination of rock and love songs.

Arnel Pineda concert at the Music Museum

Arnel looked different from the last time I’ve seen him. He now sports a shorter and light colored hair.
Arnel Pineda,  Feb 27, 2016

He called Le Miserable star, Rachelle Ann Go, from the audience to sing with him, or rather, show-off her pipes. Her voice soared. My mom had a term for that — tumataginting ang boses. Rachelle Ann Go was first discovered after she won the Eat Bulaga singing contest when she was eleven years old.

The two sang the Beatles’ Help.

Somewhere in the middle of his concert, he called in a young drummer named Alexey Poblete, 13. She was good.

Alexey Poblete

Then there’s a guy surnamed Honasan who plays bass who joined in. Arnel told the crowd how good the guy’s hand was. Minostra pa nya with his left hand, while ginagalaw-galaw nya yung mga darili nya na parang naggi-guitar. Then Arnel said if you’re good at that who knows you can make someone happy. Someone from the crowd said “bastos”.
She was 3 seats away from me that’s why I heard her reaction.

Some people were requesting for Journey songs. Hindi pwede, it’s a violation of his contract with Journey. He said he might lose his job.
He’s touring with the group for two more years. Maybe after his contract ended, he would be allowed to sing some popular Journey songs.
No Journey songs,  Arnel Pineda concert

My son and I left a few minutes before the show ended so we could avoid the crowd. My head was also aching from the strobe lights and vibration from the loud sounds. When I went to the toilet, the ceiling was shaking from the vibration, I thought it was going to fall on me.

Arnel Pineda concert Feb 27, 2016


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