Every day is a reason for giving And giving is the key to living. Let us give ourselves away, Not just today but every day, A kind and thoughtful deed
Author: OMB
I see the poorest of the poor living like dead around me. Their sights leave me with mixed feelings of compassion, distraught, helplessness, desolation and surrender. Poverty is a multidimensional
I was so happy when I received our neighbor Connie’s gift Itlog ng manok and chickens are so memorable to me. My father owned a poultry when I was little.
We’re all puyat anxiously waiting for Lilo’s next puppy to come out. When Edmund woke up at 6 am, he saw a live puppy still attached to Lilo. Edmund cut
I went to Greenhills to buy some gifts and while waiting for my sundo, I observed (incognito) Ford EDSA’s Sales Consultants attending to some prospecive buyers at the Theater Mall’s
Aside from the raffles and dancing competition, the highlight of Ford EDSA’s party was the awarding of certificates and cash prizes to the model employees. Jay Tagustos, Service Manager, with
A simple X’mas party for the officers and staff was held last saturday at the showroom of Ford EDSA in Greenhills. There was a mass at 4:30 pm. The waiters
Instead of distributing the first batch of noche buena packs to street people, we gave priority to the recent Sendong flood victims in Cagayan de Oro. We were scheduled today
Lilo, our shih tzu turned-out to be pregnant. Two weeks ago Julienne noticed that her tummy was huge. I was wrong in thinking that she was never been kissed. We
I was tasked to moderate the women’s X’mas lunch party at Le Bistro Vert. I did not prepare for any program because we would be dining with other Le Bistro
Since everybody was busy and traveling, we, the Women’s Business Council of the Philippines, just had a simple Christmas celebration over lunch at Le Bistro Vert, owned by Pacita Juan
We had dinner at Palaisdaan in Gerona, Tarlac. Edmund’s friends who left Baguio at 5 pm were there already considering that we left earlier at 3:15 pm. Did they fly?
I haven’t been watching local tv news lately so I wasn’t able to catch the whole story about the crying–crying of KC Concepcion on national television. I just knew she