It’s difficult living with someone who has bipolar disorder, formerly called manic depression because patients with this mental illness have distorted perception of things. Family members must have sky high patience and understanding to deal with the patient’s irrational thinking and behavior.

Caution must be exercised because patients could have violent tendencies. Confinement in psychiatric center is highly recommended for patients who exhibit risky behaviors.

Some symptoms are:
1. extreme mood swings
2. frequent bouts of depression, ex: 4 x a year
3. Hallucinations or delusional, paranoia
4. loss of interest in enjoyable activities like socializing
5. self loathing, apathy, indifference,

This mental illness afflicts both men and women. Men who suffer from manic depression could have an increased sexual drive.
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Doctors usually prescribe anti-depressants and relaxants. A high dose of omega 3 fatty acid may help. Patients who are aware that they have this illness must look for self-help approach to lessen their episodes.

There is no known cause but sometimes genetics and this could run in families. Past life experiences and interpersonal relationships are contributing factors.

Bipolar disorder usually appears between the ages 15 to 24. It’s rarely seen in adults over the age of 65.
(References: Wikipedia, Webmd)

I think it’s important that we are able to recognize our own individual volatility. Awareness of ones susceptibility is a big factor in keeping ones psychological state in check.

I for one is a strong candidate. I am susceptible to bouts of depression.
I have extreme mood swings. I am always agitated. My temper is constant at 39.99 degrees. I have crying episodes. I grew up in an environment where there were conflicts. As a child and teenager, I’ve had my own share of traumatic experiences.

But one thing that I do is to channel my energies into something positive. I occasionally fall into depression when I have problems and when I am hurt, but there are blessings around me that balance my life. Simple things could distract my mind into thinking of weird things. When I am sobbing, the minute I heard the birds chirping outside my window, I would stop crying na.

Happiness could be evasive when you are chasing it. But when you stop, keep still, be quiet, close your eyes and you’ll feel it slowly embracing your heart.


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