Birthday Balloons and Yang chow for the homeless

May 27

The red happy birthday balloons were adorable I didn’t want to throw them away. They are reusable so we deflated and kept them after the party.

There was one untouched big tray of yang chow fried rice I repacked to distribute to homeless people.

I included plastic spoons, tissues, paper plates. Some with family size Coke and Sprite, roasted duck, biscuits, etc.

Edmund and I went to the Home Depot / Lowe’s areas at almost midnight where we spotted several homeless people pushing their personal belongings in grocery carts.
We were both excited to be able to make some people happy but at the same time we felt a bit anxious driving in dark areas.

We felt high after we were able to give the care packages to several homeless guys. We would like to go back and do it again the next day. My husband said my birthday was complete. I was able to go to church. I hosted our family reunion. We had birthday dinner. Then the highlight of my birthday was the homeless thingy. Thank you Lord.


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