Buffet Breakfast at Grand Hotel

I was feeling sick the previous night. I just slept and / or stayed in bed from 7 pm of October 18 to 8 am of October 19. I had sinat but luckily the Biogesic prevented it from becoming a full blown lagnat.

I forced myself to get up to have breakfast. I went to the second floor restaurant at 9:30 am. There were only a few hotel guests eating.

Rey David of Great Wall Advertising was having a late breakfast too. I’ve met Rey a couple of times before through former Secretary of Finance, Gary Teves.

Rey David
Rey David

I was in a hurry to get food because the waiters were starting to remove some of the food from the table. But first, I surveyed the food choices and took some photos.




I have never seen this kind of fruit before.


I wasn’t able to have fruits because the buffet was closing at 10 am.


I wanted to try their dimsum.  My expectations were high because I am in mainland China, the land of the dimsum.





I removed the wrappers to avoid eating extra calories.  Their dimsum was less than satisfying.

Soy Bean Jar

Soy Bean Jar
Soy Bean Jar

I decided to have noodles. I wanted to have hot soup hoping it would somehow avert my pending cough and colds.



The soup stock was good but there was no other ingredient available except for spring onions, cilantro and petchay. I was looking for chicken or fish ball but there were none.


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