Business Forum turned Hugot

President Duterte was well received at the Business Forum in Beijing.
He used this opportunity to express his disgust over the Americans and at the end of his speech, he announced the Philippines’ separation from the Americans.

Grand entrance at the Great Hall

China’s Vice Premier

President Duterte grabbed every chance to berate the Americans during his speeches while in China. He has a lot of personal resentments against the Americans due to his past encounters with them such as when he was 18 years old and tried to get a US visa to visit his American girlfriend. Marami syang HUGOT, hinampo, at malalim na galit against the Americans. He wasted no time in expressing his anger over the Americans which surprised the Philippine business delegations who accompanied him in this trip, yours truly included. Personal na galit nya yon, hindi galit ng buong Pilipinas.

When Duterte was still a congressman, he had a bad experience at the immigration in Miami International Airport. After that incident, he never went back to the US according to him.

He said we are a shy tribe, like all Asians, including China. Whereas the American’s are loud and discourteous.

I say: there are good and bad Filipinos, good and bad Chinese. There are lots of good and bad Americans too. Americans are brought up to speak up, to express themselves, but that doesn’t mean they are bad people. It is true that some Americans have superiority complex over Filipinos. But there’s no denying that there are lots of Filipinos who feel superior over their own kababayan. There are lots and lots of Filipinos who think they are God’s gift to mankind.

The president had some bad experiences with some loud Americans but that didn’t mean we should declare all Americans as loud and discourteous. I have 50 close relatives who are all American citizens, born, raised and educated in America. They are not loud. They are very courteous and respectful.

I thought one of the things he didn’t like about the Americans was because they treated us like mendicants according to him. But in my own opinion, he practically begged in front of the Chinese Vice Premier to help us. We didn’t go to China to beg and ask for mercy. We went there to promote trade and investments. He was all praises for China, that’s his personal preference.
Of course I like the Chinese too. I am half Chinese. My blood is half hototay soup and half sinigang na kanduli. My left breast is made of siopao dough while the other one is full of kutsinta.

But objectively speaking, before we lick China’s ass, let’s not forget that the shabu laboratories in our country are run by mainland Chinese. And oh, they’ve taken over some of our precious and oil rich islands.
Even if they give us $10B dollars Christmas gift, kulang pa yan. Maybe let us also ask China to help us remove all their shabu labs in the Philippines.

He questioned the US’s claim as the number one world economy when in fact they owe China trillions of dollars in debts and they have not been paying for a long time. I thought that was no longer our country’s concern. Hindi na natin problema yun kung maraming utang ang America sa China. That’s not our utang so we should not meddle in their affairs. Let’s focus on our own utang. Marami ring utang ang Pilipinas. Ako nga, marami ring utang.

He asked The Vice Premier to appoint him as debt collector. I thought he demeaned the presidency by saying that. If it was said in jest, it was not funny. And hindi naman na gets nung Chinese VP ang joke nya. He would help collect US debts daw and he also suggested to give him five billion dollars to be used to help our country. His purpose might be noble but the end does not justify the means. #awkward.

He hated Americans because according to him they killed thousands of Muslims nung araw. But the Japanese also killed thousands of Filipinos during the Japanese occupation. Libu-libo rin ang pinatay ng mga Espanyol nung gyera. Dapat pati sila kamuhian rin nya.


I suspect that the president didn’t care to read the speech carefully prepared by Malacanang. If I were his speechwriter, I would sulk and cry because I would feel that my services and talent were not needed. The problem in extemporaneous speech is that the speaker tends to drift away from the important topics / issues. There might be words and pronouncements that could be uttered which could be damaging and offensive, and difficult to take back and that’s exactly what happened in this situation. According to an industry leader, immediately after the forum, his cabinet secretaries had an emergency meeting on how to deal with this new diplomacy misstep. I was also told that some Chinese businessmen in the audience got worried from doing business in the Philippines.

Situations like these are counter productive. Instead of focusing our efforts in moving forward towards a more progressive country, people step back because of feelings of uncertainties.



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10 thoughts on “Business Forum turned Hugot

  1. Very well said. I have the same sentiments. It’s so frustrating listening to him. When I watch TV Patrol or 24 Oras here, I- Mute ko na ang TV pag sya ang nagsasalita.

    Yes, “personal” resentments nya at bilang sya ang Presidente ng Pilipinas, nadadamay lahat.
    Tell you the truth, nakakapagod na to explain to my American friends / co-workers bakit si DU30 ganyan magsalita towards America. Ang dami nya supporters dito na dismayado rin. 🙁

    Ingat An 🙂

    1. Hi bes,
      Even at the airport, the immigration commissioners are asking. Even at the grocery store, they’re asking what’s wrong.

  2. Finally, someone said what’s going on my mind for the last 4 months. #prayforpinas

  3. I’m from Davao….haay,the personal stories I could tell.I’m friends with the eldest son and the 2nd girlfriend(RN in USA)I am very scared for all of you left in the Philippines.

    1. Hi Gia,
      Let’s hope and pray for better days ahead. Thank you for your message of concern for our country.

  4. Well said Miss Annie. I’m so tired of hearing him talk. Para siyang senile kung magsalita. I never voted for him but I have a few relatives who are avid supporters and they are all living in US. Mahirap magsalita against him lalo na sa Facebook coz his supporters will bully you and accuse you of being a yellow tard. It’s so hard to argue with them coz most of them are dumb as a rock.

  5. Hi Pinay Geek,
    People like to argue because they cannot be seen and they are anonymous. Do not argue. Basta continue to be a good person.
    Let’s choose to be good online and offline. Regards.

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