There’s this family that can’t seem to get out of poverty. I’ve been analyzing why. Is it because of fate? Are they destined to live in scarcity their whole life?
Category: Life

At 1 a.m., while lying down on our bed with my eyes wide open and glued to the ceiling, my chest felt uneasy. I was anxious about something I was

Continuation of “We’re nearing the end of the year. How has your 2024 been?” 7. July 2024 Spent a week in the Caribbean, seeing new places and meeting new friends

We always hear and say that life is too short. It is. To many, it’s even shorter. I lost my Kuya Romy on February 5 this year. I didn’t expect

People like to reminisce, and we are here right now. We’re nearing the end of the year. Only younger people make a tally of the good and bad things that

To answer my question, I really don’t know. God only knows. Others live a healthy lifestyle, meaning they get enough rest and sleep, exercise regularly, and eat healthy foods devoid

A day after my mother-in-law’s 91st birthday, her youngest sibling and sister, Flor, passed away peacefully in her sleep. She was 86. She had suffered a stroke a week prior.

In the past, what I was doing would be frowned upon and unimaginable. Sometime in May and June of this year, I looked at several cemetery lots for myself. Yes,
Many tragedies happen because humans are dysfunctional. People malfunction. Families are torn apart, and lives are lost. Good citizens plan their lives in consideration of other human beings’ welfare, but
When I left for Manila on Feb 28, Kuya Romy wasn’t interred due to the memorial park’s lack of staff. Walang maghuhukay, fully booked ang chapel, etc. His body was
I’ve visited my brother in the cemetery twice in the past two weeks. It was his birthday on June 11 but I only got to travel to Binangonan on June
It’s 1 am. I am very sleepy but I can’t sleep. or maybe it’s more like, I don’t want to sleep. I’ve been feeling drowsy since this early afternoon. Yesterday
The season is changing. It’s still winter but this morning I noticed that some flowers are already blooming. Seeing what seemed like dead trees and dried sticks was all part
It’s been 7 days since my brother died. I am still feeling like a zombie, I am here but not here. I feel so drained from crying, thinking of what
I got a call yesterday afternoon from Kuya Romy’s son Sherwin. His papa’s condition changed from the last time I visited him. According to him, the nurse told him blood