Chorizo Shrimps and Yogurt

We went to Shrimp Bucket in Greenhills for dinner. My daughter was the one who chose the place. Shrimp Bucket in Greenhills

She bought a coupon daw on line. The order was fixed based on how much she paid.
Ultra spicy buffalo wings. Hindi namin naubos kasi ay super anghang.
Buffalo wings,  Shrimp Bucket

Chorizo shrimps goes well with steam rice. Ang dami naming nakain. This is deadly though, too oily. Not just too. Super duper langis to the max pero ang sarap.
chroizo shrimps,  Shrimp Bucket

I couldn’t remember what we ate for dessert. I also didn’t know whether this was included in the discounted coupon.
dessert,  Shrimp Bucket

Shrimp Bucket in Greenhills

Hindi pa busog. Oyen bought a cup of Greek yogurt located at the lobby of the three story commercial building in Greenhills.
Greek yogurt

I didn’t want to taste it.
Greek yogurt, Greenhills


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