Las Vegas

Rio gives me $18 a day worth of Starbucks’ sandwiches, coffee, hot chocolate, water.
Nasawa ako.

Starbucks sandwich

This’ was I ate everyday for 9 days, sausage and cheese sandwich.
Starbucks sausage and cheese sandwich

One night, I went down to the huge casino lobby to eat. I found two tiny round tables near the Starbucks stall. I sat down on one of the chairs. In about five minutes, two men arrived holding their cups of coffee. The older one smiled at me. I gave him a very tipid na ngiti kasi mahirap na. I didn’t know what they were up to. Baka akala mamasan ako. They looked very decent most especially the older man. He was wearing a long sleeves polo shirt, walang gusot, mukhang bagong plantsa, a solid gold Rolex watch na mukhang orig. He asked if it was okay to sit at the other table.

Long story short, the three of us spent the next hour talking about life. We felt like we’ve been friends for a long time.

Apparently when he saw that I was a Filipina, medyo natuwa sya kasi he just came from a meeting with a Filipina property manager who was recommended to him to manage his 4 rental houses in Summerlin.

The younger guy, Efraim Cohenpeer has interesting stories. He kept reminiscing about the day he won in the horse racing. He was saying that just one number and he could have won $3,500,000. I asked him how much he won, he said $600. He kept on repeating. Nanghihinayang siguro. I told him he didn’t win because it was not meant to be.
He’s a taxi driver.

The older one, Dror Senderov, 81, is also from Israel. He hired Efraim to drive for him from LA to Las Vegas. He said he wasn’t able to relax during the 4 hour drive because he was watching Efraim drive.

Efraim and Dror

These are their stories.

Dror is a wealthy businessman from Israel. He owned a factory producing, making, constructing big tunnels. His motto is “there’s a rainbow at the end of a tunnel”.
He had offices in Israel and LA. His house in Israel was in a prime location. When his wife passed away 5 years ago, he sold their mansion in Israel for big bucks and bought 4 houses in Summerlin. He lived in one for a year, rented out the 3. He currently lives by himself in an expensive community in LA. He has a Mexican household helper that comes daily but she doesn’t sleep over.

He comes to Las Vegas 3x a year to check out his houses. He’s here because he wants to dispose of two of his 4 houses in Las Vegas so he could channel the proceeds into buying a house in Orange County which according to him could rent out for $5,000 a month.

His children are all successful in their own endeavors and he told me he predicts they would become millionaires in two years. If I am not mistaken his son is a doctor of medicine.

Dror told me he doesn’t gamble. He plays sometimes with $200 but that’s it. He said many people lost their money in gambling. He said the slot machine is a sure way to lose money.
he said stock market is also a form of gambling so he cautioned me to be careful. Well, I don’t invest in stocks so that’s not my worry.

He showed me his VIP cards and agreed that I take pictures. I covered the card numbers.
He said he has ZERO debt and the banks are the ones who owe him money.
Discover card

Citi double cash

I now have a Total Rewards card too, it’s free. I also get a one one free stay in any hotel in Las Vegas.
total rewards cards

Mr. Dror said God has been very kind to him. Everything he asked He gave. But there was one particular incident that he felt sad about, the death of his wife. He said he couldn’t do anything. She got sick and didn’t get well.

He advised me to continue to be a good person and always have a good heart.


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