Flight from Istanbul to Manila

June 29, 2018

Touched down Istanbul.

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The airport could be daunting most especially if it’s your first time here.  There could be lots of walking and looking for the right gate.

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We stayed at the Turkish lounge. It is huge. When the airport lounges are too big, they don’t impress me nor serve my purpose. I feel lost and I don’t feel I belong there. It just makes me want to leave right away. It’s just too much. But I don’t like small lounges either.

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This lounge is certainly impressive by world travel standards but the feeling that I am in a strange place is magnified.
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We had 4 hours to kill before our Manila flight.   Still a long way to go.
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Nothing to do but eat again.
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My husband wanted to take a shower. He registered his name while I saw outside. I was anxious to get to the plane. I just wanted to get out of this place. There is something here that makes me feel lonely despite the sea of people.
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Finally we’re on board. Edmund wasn’t able to take a shower in the lounge because of the long waiting time. Pag uwi na lang sa bahay.
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Kain na naman?
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Breakfast choices
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The way they serve hot tea
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Sometimes eating less is better than more.
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Airlines compete not just in safely bringing passengers to their destinations but they do their best to impress thru gourmet food and fancy service. Turkish Airlines is one of the best in Europe in this category.
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The best way to travel is to sleep thru the long flights but most of the time I am awake because I am anxious to get home. I while away my time by watching movies.
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Another round of food service before we reach Manila.
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Finally we’re here!
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Stop complaining about our airports. They are decent and better than some airports I’ve visited. Not the best and can be better but at least our airport is clean and orderly. A more modern and an upgraded one of course should be in the offing. What is worrisome is the airport traffic. This must be given top priority. Our current airport can’t handle the number of planes flying in and out that’s why planes circle the skies up to 40 minutes before they could land in NAIA. We need a bigger and more modern airport SOONEST!
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We only have one checked in luggage, Edmund’s. My clothes were there too.
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Home at last. Hmmm we didn’t miss Antonia’s cooking.
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Only them.
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