Ford EcoSport is number 1 crossover vehicle

Based on the recent industry report, Ford EcoSport is currently the number one crossover vehicle in the country with a 45.4 % market share. It consistently outsells its competitors in the same category. From January to July of this year, it remains the top choice of customers by a wide margin. I hope Ford EcoSport further cements its top position by selling more units this month and in the coming months. We will achieve that if you my friends and countrymen buy. Get one for each day of the week, get each available color to match your dresses or neckties, for Christmas giveaways, no occasion gifts, etc. And please remember, when you want to own one, two, three, five, a dozen or any quantity, who do you gonna call? Of course, Ford EDSA, or Ford Cainta or Makati Ford.
Ford Ecosport low monthly

And where will you go to make the purchase? Syempre here— at Ford EDSA, or at Ford Cainta or Makati Ford. Thank you.

Ford EcoSport at Ford EDSA


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