Getting Ready for Malacanang

My brother in law, Bong Aralar, together with a dozen Du30 / Lex Talionis officers have been invited to Malacanang on June 30, 2016 to attend the much-awaited formal inauguration of our country’s new president, Mayor Rodrigo Duterte. They are all excited. They should be, the inauguration is the culmination of their months of pagod and joy campaigning for their ka-brod. Nagbantay pa sila sa bilangan.

I saw the interview with Mayor Duterte. He told the journalists covering his meetings in Davao not to address him as sir or president. Basta mayor na lang daw ang itawag sa kanya.
I fully support his plans of:
1. implementing a curfew for minors,
2. limiting the karaoke galore so as not to disturb neighbors,
3. allowing drinking sessions in public up to certain hours only and beyond that it should only be within the confines of the homes of those na nagha-happy-happy.

real change

(left to right) Bong Aralar, Raymond Canilao, and Adnan Alonto.
The Alonto’s are distant relatives from my mother’s side.

Bong with Adnan Alonto


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