Gloomy mood after basketball game

Edmund was restless throughout the game maybe because he was nervous that UST would lose that’s why he developed a headache. He kept on transferring from one place to another. He was supposed to seat with the team pero palipat-lipat sya, kaya hayun sumakit ang ulo. He could not concentrate on the game, ewan kung bakit.
At dinner, I told him to just embrace the moment. Just enjoy the game.

I myself was tensed prior to leaving the house for Araneta Coliseum.
The game was at 4 pm and I was still getting ready by 4 pm. My daughter was waiting in our room and Edmund kept on calling and texting.

I did my make up in the van. I was thinking of just retouching it at the coliseum’s restroom but I didn’t have the chance. Edmund was waiting and the game was starting. We immediately went straight to our seats. But the minute I sat down, my mood changed. I completely embraced the moment.
The noise from the cheers, claps, drums, buzzers and all pushed my adrenaline button and wham I also started screaming, cheering, clapping.

I went to the restroom half-time to check how I looked and ngek my eyebrows! Eh kasi basta ginuhitan ko lang while I was in the van without looking at the mirror. Kung saan-saan pala napunta yung guhit. Even my lipstick was paling.

Edmund went to the dug-out after the game but since the mood was gloomy, he didn’t linger.

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2 thoughts on “Gloomy mood after basketball game

  1. x x x Edmund was restless throughout the game maybe because he was nervous that UST would lose that’s why he developed a headache. x x x

    Did he know that UST is predicted to lose most of its game? The battle that UST is fighting this UAAP season 79 is Battle of the Cellar Dwellers. And that is against UP.

  2. To train and develop a championship team takes a lot of time, dedication, practice and actual field battles. Edmund doesn’t expect them to become the champion this season but all their would-be losses and wins would hone their skills and make them more prepared for battle in the seasons to come.

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