Two nights ago, just before I lay my head, I took the bible and opened it somewhere in the middle. It was just an impulse. I was feeling a little low, maybe because I was not feeling well. When I am feeling blue, once in a while I hug the Bible. I just needed to draw some strength to guide me through.

I read the right hand column.

“You are my help…”    “Show me your path”.

Lord show me your way

In this busy world where people spend every waking moment pursuing for something, I wonder if I am on the right path, the one that God intended for me.

Guide me in your truth

When I looked at the column on the left side, I was surprised to see that it was the Psalm 27.
The Lord is my light and my salvation, whom shall I fear?
The Lord is my refuge, whom shall I afraid?
When evildoers come at me to devour my flesh
These my enemies and foes
themselves stumble and fall.
Though an army encamp against me
my heart does not fear
Though war be waged against me
even then do I trust.
One thing I ask of the Lord
To dwell in the Lord’s house all the days of my life,
To gaze on the Lord’s beauty
to visit his temple
For God will hide me in his shelter
in times of trouble
will conceal me in the cover of his tent
and set me high upon a rock.

psalm 27


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5 thoughts on “Guide me

  1. My favorite part of the Bible as it spans the full gamut of human emotions. Always a source of comfort and strength. Keep well An.

  2. Hi Ms Annie.. Perhaps it’s God’s way of letting u know that when u feel low and everything seems to be going rough for u, HE is always around to guide u to take the right path.. 🙂

    God always makes His Presence known.. in a butterfly that suddenly appears out of nowhere, a feather floating on air, a rainbow after the storm, a single flower that blooms amidst the ferns, a bright ray of sun that seems to shine down on u… 😉

    It is God’s way of telling u that YOU SHOULD NOT FEAR BECAUSE HE IS ALWAYS BESIDE YOU in every step that u take, every decision that u make … 🙂

    All u need to do is to KEEP THE FAITH and BELIEVE and ALWAYS TRUST in God’s Wisdom… 😉

    Hugs to u and i hope u will have a great and restful Sunday, Ms Annie.. God bless u and ur family always…. 🙂

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