Have you ever felt tired of praying?

I’ve been sick for almost a week. I went to the doctor last Saturday and glad I did. I was taking the wrong medications. Doc prescribed Tamiflu and glad my husband had a few tablets at home because Mercury Drug didn’t have a single capsule in all their branches.

I was getting restless sitting at home, watching CNN, BBC Earth, Netflix, etc. Watching the local news has become a chore, sitting through the dozens of commercials every time. The one hour balita has been stretched to two hours to double their commercials. It’s just soooo irritating and time wasting.

I went out yesterday afternoon but I felt dizzy and nauseated. I did manage to go to the adoration chapel to pray. While there, my mind was off somewhere. I couldn’t pray. I felt so drained, tired. Maybe I was tired of praying. Have you ever felt tired, tired of or from praying too much?
I kind of felt that way yesterday. My energy level was so low and maybe I wasn’t tired of praying but I was merely overwhelmed by what I wanted to pray for and about.

God knew what I went there for so maybe verbalizing what I needed his help for wasn’t completely necessary. He could read my mind.

A few weeks ago, I went to the wake of Ka Chayong Arcilla, our neighbor in Binangonan, Rizal. My schoolmates were there. Of course some said buti pa ako always looking good and never experienced problems. Of course that was far from the truth. When I said meron din akong mga problema and ang dami pa nga ng stress ko, one of my bathmates commented that God was only trying to tell me something, that I should be more prayerful. Huh? Her comment got into my nerves. I knew she only had good intentions for saying that but I hate people who lecture me about not praying enough. This people didn’t know what I went through in life, what I am going through, what other people go thru. Making thoughtless comments that God gives us problems so we would pray harder is hypocritical and senseless. She even cited the Bible and The Book of Job.

Someone caught M’s husband effing her niece inside their own home. Following that line of thought that God purposely gives people problems to make them pray harder, you mean to tell me that God intentionally made that husband eff the niece so his wife M would be forced to pray harder because maybe God finds M not praying hard enough? So God intentionally let the 19 month old daughter of Mr. & Mrs. H drown in their neighbor’s swimming pool, to compel the couple to pray harder?

I don’t think this is how God works. I thought God is kind, loving, helpful, compassionate. God is not manipulative.

“Kulang pa daw ang dasal mo”.
“Kinakalabit ka lang ni Lord, para lumapit ka sa kanya”.
“Basahin mo sa Bibliya”.

We people are so thoughtless. We say the most ridiculous things to other people without thinking. Even with the best of intentions, we should stop lecturing people about how God works. Not everyone who doesn’t memorize the bible needs a lecture.


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