This post is for young people who are heartbroken.

I understand that nothing describes the pain one feels over a failed relationship.
We can always give advise in general terms but how one reacts to situations depends individually. No two pains are alike.

Some young people are able to breeze through life as if nothing happened. In a few weeks or months, meron ng bagong boyfriend, girlfriend or date. Some don’t.

I would like to speak to those who are currently depressed, at a loss, disoriented, clueless, guilty, valueless, etc. Why? Because I do not want you to waste or throw away your life for one person.
He or she is not worth it. Even if in your eyes this person is perfect for you, your life is MORE VALUABLE.

1. Be practical—–
When you are in a relationship, you have to be realistic and practical. Not to be pessimistic, but be prepared of the possibilities that your GF or BF could lose interest on you, could get attracted with another person and leave you. At some point, because both of you are still young, there will come a time when the two of you would want to date or interact with other people .

2. Be emotionally prepared—
Think of your emotions too. Do not invest it 100% on one single person. I don’t refer to multiple relationships. I mean, do not love this person more than the whole world. Do not make your 24/7 revolve around this person. Maybe you feel happier when this person is around, but you were not born in this world just to hover around this person. You have your own life, separate and distinct from your girlfriend or boyfriend’s life. Mingle with friends, engage in sports or other worthy activities, be involved in charity, be aware of your community, have time for your self, for the things that you want to do, learn, achieve, OUTSIDE of your plans of living your life with your BF/GF.

(to be continued soon, I have to work first.)


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