Just figured out why I’m overweight, The shampoo I use in the shower which runs down my whole body says “for extra volume and body”. From now on, I’m going to use dishwashing liquid, it says “dissolves fat which is otherwise difficult to remove”.

This joke was from a regular ohmybuhay reader Anne Marie Flores Santelices. Her friend from the US forwarded it to her.

Anne is another strong lady. Anne’s daughter, TARA, was killed by a holdupper who grabbed her bag. She was 23.

Tara, a graduate of Ateneo, went out with her friends on that day. It was her birthday. She was in a jeepney along Marcos Hway in Cainta, with her female friend on their way home at midnight. It was the very first time that her parents did not pick her up with their own vehicle. It was her birthday too.

When the guy was getting off the jeepney, he grabbed Tara’s bag, when she resisted, he shot her at close range. The bullet hit her head. Her parents moved heaven and earth to give her the best medical attention and care. After several operations, theraphy, and the most tender loving care from family and multitude of prayers from relatives, friends, classmates schoolmates and strangers alike, Tara gave up and is now in heaven. The criminal is still at large and most likely would never be caught.


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