I wish life is like a magic slate

I wish LIFE is like a magic slate. When there’s something wrong we can erase it and start all over again. When we are going the wrong way, all we need to do is lift the plastic and the carbon sheet, and off goes the wrong way and in comes a new day to start anew, the right way.

But no, life is indomitable, unstoppable.
Maybe life is designed to be this way. No turning back, it just keeps on going. No matter how bad or good, life just keeps on spinning. We cannot pause nor stop. It just spins and spins. We have no time and chance to look back and say “oh wait, stop, I think I made a mistake, I want to go back in time and correct it”. No, it’s not like that. You made a mistake, that’s done, move on. No erasures. The experiences, occurrences, actions are indelible and inexpungible.

I wish my buhay is one big magic slate. So I could erase today and draw a better tomorrow, a brighter next week, and a happy face forever.

my magic slate


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4 thoughts on “I wish life is like a magic slate

  1. Miss Annie,I wish all your pain turn to strength. As the song goes,

    And then a hero comes along
    With the strength to carry on
    And you cast your fears aside
    And you know you can survive
    So when you feel like hope is gone
    Look inside you and be strong
    And you’ll finally see the truth
    That a hero lies in you

  2. Ms. Annie, always trust in the Lord our God. He knows our every worries and problems, and He wants us to pray to him about it. With God, our life will not be storm free, but definitely storm proof because of His unconditional love for us! Let us claim victory, healing, and comfort in Jesus’ almighty name! 🙂

  3. Ms. Annie, in times of trouble run into God. He is our constant healer and savior. 🙂

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