Inihaw na Pusit in Minesview Park

From Wright Park we went to Minesview Park next. Not for myself but I figured my two companions would enjoy this place. They were so excited.
Ako ang tourist guide nila.
Minesview Park Dec 3, 2018

I was glad the local government improved the walkway. Dapat lang.
Minesview Park, improved ramp

I offered to pay for the selfie a la cowboy but they were shy.
Minesview Park cowboy outfit

They declined to have a photo with the horse but they went hysterical upon seeing the huge Saint Bernard dog. I paid P50 for two photo clicks.
After an hour my driver said “mam, salamat ho sa pagdala nyo sa amin, sabi ng misis ko ang laki daw ng li-yon. Meron pala daw li-yon sa Baguio.”

horse picture taking

Saint Bernard dog

The forest view is slowly but surely turning into a city view.
Minesview Park,  full of houses

Walking for 6 kilometers burn 180 calories only?
walk meter chart

A—“Kumakain ba kayo ng inihaw na pusit?”
I bought three sticks one for each of us. I bought another one for myself. They didn’t want another round.

Inihaw na apusit rmeinds me of the town I grew up in. My love for this street food spread to my family most especially to my son. Eating on the sidewalk is not something to be ashamed of. It keeps one humble.
inihaw na pusit in Minesview park


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