Invitation to the Forum

There was some kind of confusion regarding the arrangements for the business forum. The first circular stated that the bus would pick us up at 1 pm, then a second advisory came changing the time to 12:45 pm, then another one came with a new pick up time at 12:30 pm. My colleague wanted to make sure that we don’t get left behind so he walked over to Beijing Hotel where the secretariat was. He was instructed that the call time was changed to 11 am.

We walked under a drizzle, buti na lang I brought my white walking shoes. My other shoes were in my bag.

When we reached the lobby of Beijing Hotel, the businessmen were all waiting for something. Some didn’t know what to do because they didn’t get any up to date and clear advisory.

I found my name but there was no instruction what would be the next step. A friend told me to get my invitation card on the second floor.

List of guests, Beijing forum

A friend told me to get my invitation card on the second floor.
Oh, what a mess. Businessmen were anxiously waiting for their names to be called to get their respective invites. There was no order and system.
This was the first time in all my two dozen years of joining in presidential trips that I had to scramble to get an invitation. In the past, invitation cards, badges, were delivered to our respective hotel rooms or orderly distributed to us one by one. Dito feeling ko we were lining up for relief goods.

businessmen waiting for their invites

I saw former Sen. Manny Villar also waiting. I told him I heard his name being called a few minutes ago.
Beijing Business Forum Oct 20 2016 002

Rey Oben
Rey Oben

Atty. Opap Villonco and Atty. Popoy Recalde.
Atty. Opap Villonco and Atty. Popoy Recalde

Robin showed us a photo with the three of us taken 3 years ago also in China. I was the only one who aged, the two of them looked the same.
Rey Oben, OMB, Robin Sy,

Atty. Popoy Recalde
Atty. Popoy Recalde and OMB

After almost an hour of waiting….
Beijing Business Forum Oct 20 2016 012

On our way to the Great Hall where the business forum would be held.
bus ride to the Great Hall,  Beijing

Our bus guide Ricky Lee

Hay naku kung kailan naman nadito ako at saka I started coughing. Itchy throat, buti na lang Bernard Benedicto gave me Strepsils.
Strepsils from Bernard Benedicto


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