Jannettas Gellateria- most popular ice cream

The most popular ice cream in St. Andrews is Jannettas Gellateria. It has become more of a tourist attraction. Even when it’s very cold and drizzling, people still queue up outside.
They’ve also expanded in size. The store now occupies the neighboring space for its dine in cafe.

jannettas gellateria 1

Jannettas Gellateria,  most popular ice cream

Jannettas Gellalteria,  st. Andrews 2

Hundreds of customers come everyday not minding the long wait.
Jannettas Gellateria,  customers wait in line

Free taste for those waiting outside the store
Jannettaas Gellateria, tastet test

Twin Scoop freshly made vanilla ice cream
Jannettas Gellateria,  twin scoop

Don’t get the lavander honey flavor.
Jannettas Gellateria ice cream in St. Andrews


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