In one blink,  I found myself knocked down with black stars circling around my head. Ganito pala feeling pag nasa kangkong field.

Shocked, disoriented, bruised. Of course,  the only thing I know of doing is to cry,  cry and cry till my tears run dry.

I couldn’t find the right answers to too many questions that repeatedly played in my head.

How did I find myself in this situation?  How did this happen?  Didn’t I see this coming?  Why didn’t I prevent this from happening?    

People always say, everything happens for a reason.  Really?  That’s a joke right?  And what was the reason?

To teach me a lesson? A very painful and expensive lesson?
I do not want other people to go through this kind of crisis. It’s tough. Tougher than tough.

Everyday I hold on to my faith that a Supreme Being (God) is bigger than my problems. He was the one who created me, all beings and things. He knew what’s happening and in one blow, with his kindness and mercy, He could make my worries and pains disappear. I ask for his Divine Mercy and compassion.



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10 thoughts on “Kangkong Field

  1. Praying that God will give u strength to rise above it all, Ms Annie.. 🙂

    You are a kind person.. I know that God is always kind and merciful to those who are kind and merciful too… 😉

    Just keep holding on to ur strong FAITH and TRUST in God’s wisdom.. Everything will fall into place and in accordance to God’s plan and Perfect Timing.. 😉

    God bless u, Ms Annie.. 🙂

  2. Do not think of yourself as being in the kangkong field. Think of yourself as a lotus flower that grows out of the mud and blossoms above the muddy water surface. We can rise above our defilements and sufferings in life. We continue to pray for you and your loved ones.

    1. Thank you Mildred and Alvin for your friendship. Your prayers and good wishes are most appreciated.

  3. I will pray for you for strength to overcome this challenge in your life. Just remember that the Lord will not give us any problem He feels we can not solve. When i find myself in the same situation as you, i just lift up my worries to Him, ask Him to give me strength and tell Him i can not do this alone. I also find it helps if i offer all my pains and heartaches for the poor souls in purgatory. God bless you always, Ms. Annie. I know soon you will find your peace of mind…

    1. This is too big, I cannot even comprehend why this is happening. I cannot solve this. I am holding on to my faith that God will have mercy on me and help me solve this, soonest.
      Thank you Cecile for your prayers.

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