We were talking the other day about the kare-kare of my brother Kuya Romy which is hands-down the best among the east and west. Biglang we craved for kare-kare. Instead of asking Cherry to cook some which I was sure wouldn’t come out good, I just made a dash to Max’s Restaurant and bought three orders.

Max Restaurant- oh my buhay

Max's - oh my buhay

Kare kare - oh my buhay

Max Restaurant- oh my buhay

I also took-home some YangChow fried rice for my son.

Yang Chow- oh my buhay

Choi Garden- oh my buhay

He’s a late sleeper and he looks for food at night. Rather than waking up the maids, he just scours the ref for left-overs.

To Go - oh my buhay


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