Dearest Anak,

There are days when things could be overwhelming and seem too difficult. It’s natural to be discouraged, to panic, to cram. But look around you. Others are going through the same things. Other people might look like they don’t have any problem or big tasks ahead of them. You will be surprised that each and every person deals with something, but they just don’t have any choice but to deal with it. The best way to solve a problem is to collide with it head on. So think, if others can do it, you can do it too. If others are able to handle multiple and difficult tasks, kaya mo rin yun. You just have to turn one page at a time, tackle what’s ahead of you one day at a time. Take a deep breath and keep calm. Kaya mo yan anak. You are smart and intelligent. You just have to channel your talent and energy to something positive.

Good luck,



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One thought on “Kaya mo yan anak

  1. Thank you for posting this. This will help me talk to my youngest child/teen and maybe to my eldest also.Tc Ms. Annie!

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