Kulam is not the best revenge

A lot of people are looking for mangkukulam to get revenge on those who they think did them wrong. Kulam is not the best revenge. Success is. Live a good life, be successful but at the same time be a good person, be helpful, be happy. That’s the best revenge on whoever and whatever had hurt you.

There are at least a dozen individuals who have wronged me. If I told you the details you would be happy with your own lives. You just don’t know that despite what you think is a very comfortable life for me, I also have my own fair share of tremendous trauma beginning when I was a little girl. Oh yeah of course, there were times when I wished them dead. I hated and still hate them too much that I don’t think I would ever forget what they did to me. Until now, there are still many people who are taking advantage of me. Hindi ko sila ipapakulam. I believe that whatever was taken away from me, whether it’s money or something else, have already been returned in many folds by God either financially or in some other way.

My life is far from perfect. But the basic things that make me strong are just around me. My husband is a good person. He makes me inis every now and then but there’s no denying that he loves and cares for me a lot. God has blessed me with a daughter that is smart, dependable, kind and beautiful inside and out. She too also loves me dearly and cares for me not to mention she exercises maximum tolerance for her technology-challenged mother. My son is in the middle of life changing challenges right now because of his misjudgments due to his youth and gullibility. His being kind and too trusting also contributed to his problems. But despite this, there’s no doubt in my heart and mind that he too is a good person, kind, compassionate and generous to a fault. In due time, hopefully, he would mature and eventually learn how to protect himself from people befriending him for who he is. He has a good heart. With God’s blessings, he will rise above his life’s challenges and become successful in his own right. I hope he remains grounded despite his blessings and not be easily swayed and influenced by others. He too loves me.

A good family helps us cope with our problems, big or small. Sometimes we create our own problems but still, when a family holds hands together and is one in finding a solution, hope comes, problems become lighter and the future holds brighter.



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2 thoughts on “Kulam is not the best revenge

  1. You have raised ur children well, Ms Annie.. That’s why they are kindhearted and loving towards you.. You have set a good example of kindness and love that has helped shape them into loving and kind human beings.. Oyen and Nyke are both so LUCKY to have a MOM like u… 🙂

    God bless u and ur family always… 🙂

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