labor day massage

I was feeling tired that’s why I didn’t have the urge to go out. And the heat, para akong natutuyong calachuchi. Gastos pa sa tubig kasi panay ang shower, wala pala akong shower, panay ang buhos ng tabo.

Actually I thought of dipping. Yes, dipping. Di ba that’s what American’s say? “Do you want to take a dip?” Meaning maglublob daw.
The pool looked tempting but I don’t know how to swim. Edmund had the plastic salbabida thrown away long time ago.

My Pinoy Big Brother housemates were all out. Baka malunod ako no one would save me.

Okay, mag pa massage na lang ako. 30 minutes each leg and thigh (parang Chicken Joy), half hour shoulder and back massage = 1.5 hours.

After an hour, the masseuse asked for water. I followed her to the kitchen. I was also feeling thirsty. Then hungry. I didn’t want to bother the maids because they were either having their afternoon beauty rests or watching tv.

I decided to cook fried rice using left over ingredients- shrimps and Vienna sausage. The cook heard the sound of the pans so she went up and offered to do it. Ako na lang, I cook faster, in 3 minutes done. Kung sya, baka 45 minutes pa.

I gave the masseuse a half-gallon can of ube ice cream, a bowl, spoon, scooper. She almost finished the can. Konti na lang natira, I told the cook to eat the rest of it.
Masseuse and cook in our kitchen

Because I was too nice to her, the masseuse became ultra comfy in our home and even gave me the privilege of listening to her life against my will.

In the less than 5 minutes that I stayed in the kitchen while whipping up fried rice, these were the things I learned about her.

1. She finished grade 3.
2. Took up ALS, Advanced Learning System last year, so she was able to get a diploma.
3. Attended 3 months of massage classes, 8 hours a day, 5 days a week.
4. 7 siblings
5. Mother had a boyfriend for 2 years before she admitted the illicit relationship to her father. She asked to be FREE.
6. Father agreed and told them that “hindi pwedeng pilitin ang ayaw na”.
7. Her mother went to live with her lover with the blessing of her most understanding father.
8. After two years, her father died from diabetes because he didn’t want to have his legs amputated. That’s what she said.
9. Her first job was a housemaid
10. Next job was a dishwasher in a big company.
11. She left after 6 months because according to her the owner was so insecure and jealous of her because all the guys in the company liked her.

Fast forward: How’s the massage?
Eto para akong binugbog, my back and shoulder blades hurt. My buttocks are very sore. Tila medyo my back is swollen. I guess somehow it helped. I was asleep by 11 pm and slept straight till 6:45 am.


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