Looks a little bit refreshed

My October 22, 2016 was full packed. Midnight of Oct 21 I was at the airport in Beijing. I took the madaling araw flight to Manila. As soon as I arrived, I ran to the house for a quick change. Then off to a meeting with FVR. Swung by the office and instructed the janitor to clean the alikabok inside the parts display cabinet located in the showroom. Had lunch inside the mall, bought some medicines and supplies, then headed home. Rested for a while, took a long bath. Here I was looking a little bit refreshed.

OMB October 22, 2016

No matter how much I hate seeing my wrinkles now, I still have to take my photos. I am sure 20 years from now I would be happy I did.
OMB October 22, 2016


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