Migraine and Calcium

My migraine started in high school and became more intense when I was in 4th year college. It aggravated after I gave birth to my son, maybe because of the anesthesia after twice giving birth thru caesarian section.
I didn’t pay much attention to the triggers. One time, a doctor gave me a printed list of known migraine precipitants or triggers.
Every time my husband, my daughter, or any one would offer me something on that list, I would say, I can’t because it’s migraine precipitant. I must have sounded like a broken record because after a while, my family started laughing at me. Before I could even finish the word pre… they would say it in unison, precipitant. I thought, they never experienced how it’s like to be down for several days due to a severe headache that’s why they think it’s a joke. Lately, I very seldom mention the word migraine. I just take a pill and before anyone would know, the migraine is addressed. So no more “precipitant”. Now, because of my osteoporosis, the word calcium naman is always present in my eating consciousness.

I always say, “this is rich in calcium”. I guess I am beginning to sound like a broken record that’s why I’ve noticed my husband is already making a face every time I mention that this or that is rich in calcium.
Like when I ate boiled egg whites with the kale salad with Norwegian salmon, all said to be rich in calcium. From now on, I will try my best no longer to vocalize my thoughts about the reason I am eating certain foods. I sound like a broken record.

boiled eggs , salad


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