Nelly Favis Villafuerte

It’s been twenty years since I last interacted with Atty. Nelly Favis-Villafuerte, wife of former governor and congressman Luis Villafuerte, Sr. from Camarines Sur. Her son Luis Raymund (LRay) Villafuerte, also became governor of Camarines Sur.

I no longer recall when and how we exactly met, if we were introduced or what. She was with the Department of Trade and Industry and Board of Investments, and very active in export promotion, while I was also involved in helping promote our country, its products and services thru Trade Development Publishing. We were publishing the Buyers Guide to Philippine Manufacturers and Exporters, the Philippine Products Magazine, etc. at that time. We also had projects supported by USAID thru Philexport headed by Sergio Ortiz-Luis, Jr. That’s how I met some nice people like Bobby Amores, Katrina Sanvictores, Anton Sayo, Ann Pamintuan, Gen. Benjamin Kalalo, Jr., Luis Sicat, George Barcelon, Atty. Miguel Varela, and many others who were either exporters, traders, or trustees of Philexport.

Atty. Nelly struck me then as a super woman doing so many things at the same time.
She visited my office once before upon my invitation.

I was not into exports, I was just trying to help promote our country’s trade and investments. After I stopped my involvement in export promotion, I naturally cut-down on my attendance of events / meetings related to exports.

Nelly writes for the Manila Bulletin. Once in a while when I have time, I read her column, Gentle Breeze. The other day, she published a long poem written by her relative, Marita Villafuerte Pierce, who has Stage 4 cancer. I didn’t ask Nelly if Marita is her sister-in law.

Nelly Favis Villafuerte, Manila Bulletin Column

I read the poem word for word and I found it informative, full of good advise, truly inspiring.

I contacted Nelly and asked for her permission so I could publish the poem here.

With her kind permission, herewith is the poem written by Marita Villafuerte Pierce.


May I share my discovery
In my cancer recovery
New life rhythms beat
Feel not the strain of defeat

One thing is so sure
Despite the strong lure
Though it looks there is no way
Fervently still I pray

I could ne’er keep up with the rat race
And so I changed my pace
to learn how to cope
I will not lose hope

Cancer changed my lifestyle
To value that which
is truly worthwhile

After all the hard fight
Now I learn to live right
To be nice to my body
Healthy living I embody

Eat well and sleep on time
Abusing my body is a crime
to change my priorities
I had to erase my oddities

To respect the High Authority
At times I go against the majority

White sugar I bid goodbye
Processed foods I will not try
Many food labels offer lies
Before I eat I have to know the why’s

Spirulina, this I daily take
I pop Vitamins C & D as I awake
Proarginine, for cells to regenerate
Curcumin to keep me in good state

I take other anti-oxidants
To have more nutrients in abundance
Free radicals I fight
I do this with all my might

I now confess with glee
To be cancer free
For toxins to flee
Drink also moringa tea

Spirulina, chlorella, and moringa
These are some of the world’s super foods, Aha!
They will strengthen and renew
A better version of you

Natural magnesium oil is essential
Helps my body systems function at full potential
I’m loco over virgin coconut oil
truly life’s elixir
It has so many benefits
what a natural wonder fixer

A daily plan of exercise
Is a very healthy enterprise
Balance life with work and play
To keep cancer cells away

To always smile and forgive
This is the healthy way to live
If positive perspectives thrive
You will most likely survive

Love, Joy, Peace do not depend
on circumstances you contend
Value these in your heart
This is the best way to live smart

Always aim for the best
Whole being be at rest
In God we put our trust
To be at peace, this is a must

No matter what we do and try
Only God has the final reply
When it’s time for our final goodbye
God’s will and timing applies

The grave cancer call
Was not meant for me to fall
My wish is for you to be inspired
Let us live our best before we expire

In sickness, I had much reflection
Of God’s profound affection
Because of our Lord Jesus’s resurrection
He gave Healing as my option

Big thanks to God for His Graces
To Him I give my utmost embraces
Behold, God made me
a cancer-conqueror
To glorify Him is my
everlasting endeavor.


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One thought on “Nelly Favis Villafuerte

  1. Marita is the author’s daughter. She is my friend here in Texas and she really has in her daily regimen all the things she wrote about. She is so passionate about living healthy it is contagious. (I invite you to try including moringa tea and virgin coconut oil in your daily diet and see the difference it will make.) Marita’s life is an amazing miracle story and she would love to share the lessons she learned along the way, especially to those struggling with terminal illnesses and the families who care for them. I am sure she would love to answer any question you may have that you may want to share with your readers. Like her mother, she is also a terrific writer aside from possessing a great wealth of wisdom.

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