Overdue Credit Card Bills

I missed paying two credit card bills issued here in the US that were due last April 7 and one on April 17.

I called their customer service and using the automated payment system saved me money.  They have a fee of $10 if I wanted to speak to a customer representative, a real person with flesh and blood,  most likely based in Cebu.  How did I know that? Because the last two times I spoke to their reps,  I noticed that after their second American-sounding sentence,  their true regional accent became obvious.  Yis Mam.  They were hesistant at first to divulge their true nationality but when I made a guess “nasa Bohol ka?”,  I received an outright correction “Sibu mam”.  One was in Pasay but still had a regional accent.

I am more comfortable speaking to a real person because they can understand my accent better.  The robots or machines have difficulty understanding my words, even mere numbers.

I pronounce the number two as tu.  The machine pronounces it  ttooh.    My five is a simple payb.   The machine says fffayvv.  It’s so frustrating talking to a machine.  I get stressed out trying to guess what did I say wrong.

Machine—-“Tell me why you are calling.  To make a payment, to report a lost or stolen card….”

Me———“Make a payment”

Machine——“Sorry I didn’t get that. Let’s try it again,  tell me why you are calling, to make a payment, to report a lost or stolen card….”

Me—–“Make a payment”

Machine…….”Sorry  I didn’t get that.  Let’s try a different way.  Tell me why you are calling…. If you want to make a payment press one…..”

I pressed one.

Machine—— “So you want to make a payment, is that right?”


Machine——–“Say that again?”


Machine——–“So you want to make a payment,  Let’s proceed.  How much do you want to pay,  your statement balance,  you current balance, a minimum balance..”

Me————“Current balance”.

Machine——-“Sorry I didn’t understand that.  Let’s  try it again.  How much do you want to pay,  your statement balance, your current balance, or minimum balance?”

Me——“Current balance”.

Machine——–“Sorry I didn’t get that.  Do you want to pay your statement balance, current balance, or make a minimum payment?”

Me———“Kerent belens”

Machine—–“Current Balance.    Your current balance is one hundred eight and ten cents….”



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