Overdue for Colonoscopy

I was scheduled for routine colonoscopy and gastro-endoscopy this Saturday but I postponed it till after the Holy Week. I want to deal first with my cough. I am taking antibiotics which might have a reaction to the medicines they would inject to me on Saturday. I am also thinking of maybe asking another doctor from St. Luke’s Global to do the colonoscopy. I like the thought that the equipment they would use is the latest of its kind, not the oldest of its kind.

Because my father died from colon cancer, I had mine checked about 3x already in the past 15 years.

When I went to the doctor’s clinic in Cardinal last week, they no longer have my past medical records because their policy is to discard files that are 5 years and older. I was aghast. Nawala na yung medical history.

When the doctor saw me, he said I am overdue for a colonoscopy because it’s been more than 5 years. How did he know? Because I had to sign a new patient information form.

Doctor——“Humiga ka”.
A———–“Bakit ako hihiga?”
Doctor——“Che-checkin ko tyan mo”.
A———–“Pano mo mache-check eh puro taba.

colon cancer awareness

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3 thoughts on “Overdue for Colonoscopy

  1. Good morning Ms Annie.. Please do not delay ur colonoscopy test.. Early detection is always better than a pound of cure.. 😉

    take it from me.. 😉 been there, done that, and ended up with my intestines being pulled out (Ileostomy) and being put inside again after several surgeries..

    I still have polyps in my intestines though 🙁 But as a friend, i would advise u to go and have that colonoscopy ASAP.. 🙂

    Do not wait to exerience SEVERE stomach pains before u go and have those tests taken.. PLEASE.. 🙁

    Take care and be safe and healthy always.. If u want, i could come and keep u company while u go and see the doctor 😉

    God bless u, Ms Annie.. 🙂

  2. ***Do not wait to experience severe stomach pains***

    Sorry for the typo error.. 😀

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