Pieology in Downtown Summerlin

In the afternoon of December 31 we went to Downtown Summerlin to kill time just before we head to The Strip to have dinner and watch the fireworks.

We were looking for parking when we spotted Pieology the pizza place where one could choose the toppings. There was an immediate consensus because
we all like the concept at Pieology. It allows us to experiment mixing dozens of different ingredients and get over the top literally and figuratively with our pizza toppings.

Pieology, ECY

Pieology, toppings

Pieology topping choices

Pieology, three whole pizzas

Pielogy in Downtown Summerlin

35 years of marriage taught us how to share with each other what we have equitably. Walang lamangan. One whole pizza for him, one whole pizza for me.

Edmund’s—- Salami, beef, black olives, pineapple, spinach, bell pepper, and many more

Pieology pizza-- salami, beef, olives

Mine is greenish with lots of cilantro and spinach
Pieology- Salami with olives
Half for Yen, half for Nyke
Pieology pizza, half and half

Of course I shared some.
Pieology, sharing


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