RIBE —- The dinner that I missed

My posts are very late. I hope to update ohmybuhay at least up to Helsinki. I am leaving again in 3 days.

May 5, 2019
The title of my post is the dinner that I missed as suggested by Cynthia Nakpil. Edmund and I skipped joining them at Ribe because our stomachs needed some rest from grinding all those delicious food. We had a pretty heavy lunch on that same day. We were also still jetlagged and a bit tired too from all the walking. The cold weather and rain were affecting my body. I felt slow and just wanted to stay in bed.
Instead of layering up again, I just snugged comfortably in bed with my daster while listening to my husband’s snoring. He was down and out as early as 6:30 pm. The sound of the rain hitting the window sill was like a lullaby that lulled him into a deep slumber.

Ribe is located at the street corner beside Hotel Telegraaf

My tourmates were all praises for their dinner at Ribe. But of course, Cynthia would not dare disappoint. When it comes to food she’s the go-ask girl.



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